Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Follicle Check #1

Today's follicle check went really well. On the ultrasound, the doctor saw around 12 follicles that are in the 10mm range (normal size for this stage). There were also a number of smaller ones that might catch up, though. It's hard to tell how many we'll end up with at this point.

My uterine lining was already at 11mm and just needs to be over 6mm by the time of trigger, so it's already ready.

My estrogen was 350, which is good. It's rising but not too fast and that's what we're going for.

The dr wants me to continue on the same dose of meds and return for follicle check #2 on Saturday morning.

To give you a frame of reference, estrogen levels (aka e2 levels) should continue to rise as the follicles develop. At the time of trigger, it should be around 200-600 per mature follicle (follicles over 18mm). BUT, we don't want it to go too far over 3,000 (the danger zone for hyper-stimulation) and definitely not over 5000 (the potential for hyper-stimulation requiring hospitalization).


Anonymous said...

Godd news! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really good report. Cherri

Anonymous said...

Great news Cindy. Here's hoping the remaining days go well!

Keep up the great updates!


Anonymous said...

keep up the good work!!!
