Monday, May 28, 2007

Follicle Check #2 & #3

Yesterday was my 2nd follicle check. Everything was looking good - follicles were growing on schedule with the biggest around 15mm. My estrogen was 1561, which is quite a large rise from last time, but not dangerously high.

Today was my 3rd follicle check and I am *almost* ready for trigger, but they want to see the follicles just a *tiny* bit bigger, so I'm going to do one last dose of stims tonight and trigger tomorrow (Tuesday) for egg retrieval on Thursday. I can't believe it's already happening!

The timing works out pretty well because I have a training at work on Wednesday and a special event at work on Friday and I'll be able to make it to both.

Friday, I'll get a call to tell us how many eggs fertilized and let me know which day they recommend we do the embryo transfer. Most likely, it'll be Sunday if we have a 3-day transfer or Tuesday if we're doing a 5-day transfer. We're hoping for Tuesday (which would mean we have plenty of nice-growing embryos).

On the ultrasound today, it appeared that I had about 14 follicles that could produce eggs, and that's a great number. Not too few, not too many. Fingers and toes crossed!


Anonymous said...

This is all very exciting - and scary. Cherri

Anonymous said...

Great news Cindy. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Best of luck that you get Dr. Schmidt for the transfer! -Sue

Anonymous said...

Whoopee! Here you go!!!!

Love, Mom