Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Who knew?

I learned something new about myself this weekend. I learned that I can now do injections in my sleep.

Lupron is rather time-sensitive, so I've been trying to take it as close to 7am each morning as possible. On the weekend, that meant setting my alarm, even though I would prefer to sleep in.

I got up at 7am, went to the bathroom (with the light off and my eyes shut), walked downstairs, got the lupron out of the fridge, opened a alcohol wiped, wiped the bottle and my belly, opened a clean syringe, jabbed the bottle, pulled up exactly 10 units, put the bottle back in the fridge, pinched my belly, jabbed my belly, pulled out the needle, put a cotton ball on it while walking back upstairs...

And climbed right back into bed and went immediately back to sleep. Zzzzzzz...


Anonymous said...

And to think you were afraid of needles only just a short time ago ;)

Anonymous said...

That's my girl! Sounds like something I would do.....go back to sleep, that is.
