Tuesday, June 19, 2007

OK, I admit it...

I'll admit it, I'm scared. I feel like tomorrow is a big day. I could "graduate" from the beta stage. If my number is higher than 1000, then I'm done and they'll schedule me for an ultrasound in a couple weeks.

I feel fine... I feel pregnant... and have seen no worrisome signs. But I can't get over the feeling that getting past 5 weeks pregnant with all good signs is not something that can happen to me. That happens to millions of women... billions of women... but not me.


Anonymous said...

Sending hugs and prayers!

Susan said...

anxiously awaiting todays number. it's normal to be scared - just remember to think good thoughts too.


Anonymous said...

I can understand your fear!!!!

But, everything has been really good this time......It's gonna stay that way!

Love, Mom

Waiting to hear!!!