Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Beautifully normal

My beta today was 79. That's wonderful. That's NORMAL.

Betas planned for Friday, Monday, and Wednesday. And if all is well on Wednesday, an ultrasound will be scheduled around 7.5 weeks of pregnancy, somewhere around the 1st or 2nd week of July. I'm going to push for the end of the first week of July so that we can tell people at Brad's reunion that weekend. :) He's already acting like a proud daddy and wants to tell everyone.

By the way, on Friday, we'll be looking for a number around 150-160. The minimum "ok" level would be 130, but with how high I started, the nurse said that she wouldn't be suprised if my level more than doubled and I had a nice high number on Friday.


A said...


I hope my cycle goes just as well.

Anonymous said...


That's great!

I'm getting sooooo excited!

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

That's Excellent!!! :) I'm so excited for you! :)